Citra Tenore is an American fiction author from Massachusetts. Her first name, Citra, is Indonesian and is pronounced like, "chee-tra," while her last name, Tenore, is Italian and is pronounced like, "ten-o-rae."
When Citra was a child, she wrote for children. She published her first book, a standalone story called Summer with a Twist, when she was twelve years old. Now that she's an adult, she writes for older audiences. Her current stories are darker and grittier, usually exploring characters who are different from herself as they work through violent, high-stakes plots. She loves her anti-heroes and villains, character redemptions and even regressions. Bitten by the writing bug for good, she spent her teen years working on her new mystery and science fiction series, The Dead Planets' Requiem; she published the series' first volume when she was nineteen. Today, Citra is writing the second volume of TDPR and is storyboarding other, more secretive ideas she has hidden up her sleeve.
Citra has many more stories to come, but when she's not writing, she's probably reading…and that can be anything from Anna Karenina to American Psycho.
Citra's books are available in the US and internationally.
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